
Carbonate minerals contain carbonate (C), oxygen (O), plus another element. These minerals tend to be soft, soluble in hydrochloric acid and exhibit a wide array of physical properties. There are around 80 known carbonate minerals, but most of them are rare. Often times, carbonate minerals are found within rock. The carbonate mineral calcite is the main component of rocks formed in ancient seas by organisms such as corals and algae. Common carbonate minerals include aragonite and calcite which are both anhydrous and malachite which is a hydroxide.
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A mineral is a naturally-occurring, inorganic, solid substance with a crystalline structure, a fixed or variable chemical composition, and a set of physical properties that can be used for identification.

Geologists and rockhounds use the following physical properties to identify minerals: crystal form, lustre, colour and streak, hardness, fracture and cleavage, specific gravity, magnetism, acid reaction and striations.
Minerals are grouped by their chemical composition, using the Dana Classification System. View the mineral classification of each item in the second tab, beside description.
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