White Sage Palo Santo - Small - Unpackaged (10)
White Sage Palo Santo - Small - Unpackaged (10)

White Sage Palo Santo - Small - Unpackaged (10)

Item Code:WSPSB
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10 bundles


Approx. 10 cm
This combination stick is sought after to combine forces. Think of sage as removing negative energy and palo santo as inviting in new fresh energy.

This top quality white sage is salvia apiana. Salvia is from the latin word salvare which means to heal. This natural, freshly picked white sage has long been used in cleansing ceremonies. It is used to cleanse negativity from people, objects and dwelling places.

Palo Santo, Spanish for "Holy Wood", is found in the tropical forests of South America and is used for incense, aromatic oil and indigenous medicine. It is burned for its energetically cleansing and healing properties. It is said the true value of this tree comes after its life of up to 90 years - only after having lain on the ground for 3-4 years does it develop the essential oil.

Simply light tip, blow out flame and waft the smoke. Extinguish in sand.


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