Mineral Request - Extra Grade Pyrite Cubes
Mineral Request - Extra Grade Pyrite Cubes

Mineral Request - Extra Grade Pyrite Cubes

Item Code:Request-PYC
As a wholesale supplier, we only sell to registered customers with a valid business, tax or resale number

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Special Ordering Notes

You will NOT be charged for the item(s) until they are confirmed by your Account Manager.

Generally we carry extra grade pyrite cubes that are 7 - 25 mm. Larger sizes are sold as singles and smaller sizes come in 50 g bags.

Specimen request listings on our website exist to help you learn about the item and to let us know you would like assistance making selection(s). Add this item to your order for more information about it.

Pyrite, which is iron sulfide, has been easily confused with gold. Hence, the nickname, Fool's Gold. It gets its name from the Greek pyr meaning fire because it gives off sparks when hit with a metal.

It is believed that possession of pyrite attracts money. Some use Pyrite to stimulate the intellect and enhance recall of information. Good for those of us who can be forgetful.

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