Medicine Bags - Assorted (12)
Medicine Bags - Assorted (12)

Medicine Bags - Assorted (12)

On Backorder
Item Code:MB12
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Special Ordering Notes

This product cannot be shipped outside of Canada.

BACKORDER: This item is temporarily out of stock. If ordered, you will be contacted on arrival to confirm you still wish to receive it


12 packaged medicine bags


Bags approx. 5 x 7.5 cm
Medicine bags are common to our North American ancestors who believed that all life was connected by spirit and that good fortune was embodied in an item collected to commemorate a special event.

Some items have been selected to begin the journey:
  • Quartz crystal - communion with the spirits
  • Obsidian arrowhead - protection and power
  • Rose quartz - love and compassion
  • bull; Bear fetish - courage

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