In preparing to participate in David Suzuki Foundation's 30 x 30 Nature Challenge tomorrow, one of the natural questions we face as Canadians is…. How do I enjoy nature when it's raining or even snowing outside? Besides the obvious step of dressing for the weather, we've compiled a list of ways to enjoy nature both outdoors and also indoors. Click on the bolded words for links to more ideas!
Outdoor activities:
- Make a family time capsule then hike into the woods to bury it.
- Stargazing is ideal on a cold clear night
- Use your camera lens to find the beauty outside that you may not have noticed otherwise
- Have a picnic: Go to a local park with a covered area and pack a basket full of warm foods to enjoy outside. (Hot chocolate or soup in a thermos, toasted sandwiches and cookies fresh from the oven wrapped in tinfoil)
- Make a winter sun catcher
- If it’s really cold and snowy, grab some organic, natural maple syrup and pour some on the snow in pretty shapes, it’ll harden into candy.
- Make a bird feeder out of a pine cone rolled in peanut butter and seeds
- Play tic-tac-toe in the snow. Use found nature objects as markers (pine cones, sticks, etc.)
Indoor activities
- Bird watching (after you've built the bird feeder listed above!)
- Visit your local garden center
- Find local attractions like aquariums and wildlife centers that provide natural surroundings
- Listen to a soundtrack of nature while meditating on earth's bounty
- Add to your indoor plant collection or start one
- Grow herbs in your kitchen
- Learn how to build a terrarium
- Find the best view of nature in your home and curl up with a good book
Do you have more ideas? Post them here as a comment or on our Facebook page so we can share them with others!
Want to join the 30 x 30 Nature Challenge with you family or team at work? Click here!